pic courtesy of : bowsandcurtseys.com
I was having lunch a couple of weeks ago with a great bunch of women for my friends' 50th birthday and some of them asked me what colour it was that I used on my eyes. As I'm allergic to eye makeup (quite ironic really considering what I do), I have had to find products that wouldn't cause a reaction on my lids and make me look like I had done afew rounds in a boxing ring. And the only thing I can find that doesn't affect my eyes is eye pencils. So for years I have been wearing black eyeliner pencil and nothing else except mascara. Then I got bored with that look and went looking for colored eye pencils to line my eyes with. It became the eternal search for the right colour . I was too old for bright blue or purple - both of which I love and if I was 15 yrs younger would definitely wear. SInce my eyes are green and it happens to be my favourite colour, I decided that was the colour I wanted and went searching for the right green. I brought 4 shades of green before I found THE one and it's perfect. It is by Shu Eumura and it is called KHAKI. The colour is quite subtle but very pretty with a slight shimmer in it and it looks great as a liner on any color eyes. The great thing too about the look is it takes 5 mins to do, does not move and to give the eye some depth I tightline the eyes with a brown pencil . It works for both day and night.
Julia Hafstrom and Chantal Stafford-Abbott photographed by Marcus Ohlsson for French Revue de Modes, Spring 2013
Ok I know this isn't a look you would wear anywhere except on the runway or for a shoot but I love colour and I love how they have used it here. My favourite part about this shot though is that you can see a fine smudge of freckles on her face which looks so adorable. Beautifully simple makeup well executed , good composition and my inspiration for the week. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 It's a little confusing when you go to the makeup counter to choose eye makeup brushes, even for me sometimes. There is an array of small to large when all you really want is one that you can dip in the shadow and brush on your eyes with no fuss. Having the right brushes to use on certain parts of the eye, however, makes all the difference between looking great and looking like a Warhol painting - to borrow one of my friends phrases - very funny. :-))
You obviously need a finer one ( 1 ) to apply eyeliner as it gives you more control and ensures your line is straight. Then a fluffier one (5 or 6) to add depth into the socket without leaving a harsh line and a wider one ( 10 or 11 ) to brush the shadow over the lid. A small brush for putting shadow under the eye is important too to give you a fine line you can blend out to a smokey look is useful ( 8 ). In fact if you really wanted to keep it simple these would be the only 4 you would need in your makeup bag, along with an eyebrow brush ( 12 ). Confusion gone. :) Below is a list of the above brushes and their uses..... 1. Precision eyeliner perfect for lining eyes 2. Small angle detail great for brows or under eye 3. Angle Detail great for brows 4.Mini fluff for creating smokey eyeliner and perfect for brow highlighting 5.Small crease for blending shadow in the crease of the eye (my favourite) 6.Medium crease for blending shadow in the crease of the eye 7. Small shader perfect for applying shadow to lid 8. Eye shader for blending or shading or bold application on the lid and under eye 9.Angle fluff created for applying and blending shadow 10.Medium fluff perfect for packing on shadow to whole of the eye 11. Large fluff created to apply shadow to the entire eye 12. Eyebrow brush and comb for brows and lashes pic : courtesy of evafraser.com
We all think of fitness for our body but do we ever think of fitness for the face? Muscles in the face can be re-trained to be firmer so instead of the muscles sagging over time , we can help them to remain strong and stop our face ending up around our neck. Instead of thinking that we have to put up with the lines appearing and everything dropping, if we devote 10 mins a day to doing specific facial exercises we can minimise the sagging and keep the muscles tighter. I remember my mother doing them when I was young - she would sit there and massage her face and do this strange movement with her hands under her chin. As a young girl I thought her very odd but now I am beginning to think there was some merit in her madness. There is a woman I found on the internet called Eva Fraser who has designed a set of facial exercises that she says that you should see a difference within 4-6 mths.... by the way I think she is in her late 70's and she looks pretty amazing if that's all she has done. Here is an example of one of her exercises below...... Eyelid exercise 1. Look straight ahead into the mirror throughout this exercise. 2. Curve index fingers under eyebrows then raise your eyebrows and hold against the bone. 3. Close lids and stretch upper eyelids downwards in 5 small movements. 4. Hold for a count of 6 5. Release the squeeze slowly in 3 counts. 6. Open lids, Relax, Breathe. 7. Repeat once more. *Alternatively place 4 fingers of each hand just under the line of eyebrows and proceed as above. All the exercises are done twice, once a day 5 days a week. Think I might have to start including it in my fitness regime....... I look forward to less sagging eyelids and a firmer jaw. :-) pic : courtesy of skincareto.com I want to write about this subject as it is something we as women don't really discuss. Maybe we don't won't to disclose that we are doing it, and yet you would be surprised at how many women ARE doing it - from your yoga teacher to your accountant. There is a lot of pressure in our society today for women to stay looking young and many women are tweaking to excess. The old adage less is more is definitely the way to go with fillers. Let's face it at 40 we are never going to look 20 again and that's just fine, we're not meant to . If we can just look great for our age and maintain what we have - and by that I mean face and body - that's what we need to aim for. Alot of doctors will make you pay for a full measure of the filler and then inject more than you need into your face just because you have paid for it, instead of breaking down the measures and only giving you what you need. I think that we are fortunate to live in an era where we have all of this science and technology. We can now decide whether we want to use these products to maintain our face and delay the signs of age. It is all a personal choice and if you choose to go down the road of fillers make sure you find someone good who has an eye for subtlety because if you can tell that you have been tweaking then it is bad work AND that's what gives it a bad name. Good work is hard to pick - it will always leave you looking natural . And also make sure he/she is a doctor and not just someone trained in injecting fillers.... most important.
There are quite a few products on the market now and the trick is picking the right one. I would steer away from anything permanent. There is more risk of infection as the needle has to be thicker, and also if you are not happy with the results there is little you can do to change it. Restylane is one of the most common fillers. It comes in the form of Restylane, Perlane ( used mainly in lips as it is thicker- slightly more expensive too) and Sub Q. They are all of different thickness to fill particular parts of the face - so what you fill your lips with is not always the same thickness as the product you fill your fine lines with. This is made of hylauronic acid, a substance that is naturally occurring in our bodies. It helps to absorb and bind to water to provide hydration and this depletes as we age. So it simply replaces your body's diminished levels of this hydrating substance. Restylane is long lasting but not permanent. It has been shown to last up to 36 mths, depending on your metabolism, but personally I think this is in rare cases. The most I have seen it last is around 9mths - 12 mths. Esthelis is made from hyaluronic acid too. It is biodegradable and biocompatible so there is no risk of allergies and the likelihood of side effects is greatly reduced. Used to treat moderate to deep wrinkles , scars, increasing the volume of cheeks and chins, lip enhancement. Results last between 9-12 mths. There are 3 different products within the range.... Esthelis Basic which is used for both deep treatments and augmentation of different areas of the face including the lips. Esthelis Soft is used to treat particularly sensitive areas of the face and is injected into the superficial dermis, so can be used to smooth crows feet lines around the eyes, peri-oral lines and forehead wrinkles and to define the lip line. Esthelis Men has increased viscosity to deal with forehead lines and furrows, scarring and deep facial lines. Fortelis is a thicker product that is used to treat deep wrinkles and creases as well as cheek augmentation and chin augmentation and facial re-volumisation. If you are interested in speaking to a doctor regarding fillers and you live in Sydney Dr Adam Rish is great, has a good eye and is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to this subject. His contact no. is 93695369. |
About...I have been a makeup artist for over 20 yrs and am passionate about beauty and helping women to look the best they possibly can. I believe that women are beautiful at any age , and being older myself, am constantly on the look out for products that will help the skin retain its glow and beauty. From a very young age I have paid attention to my skin and have always gone looking for new, innovative - or even tried and true products that make a difference. I take inspiration from my friends and women I meet in my work. These women are the reason I started this blog , so that I can pass on my knowledge and help women to keep looking, and feeling amazing . I love finding new looks that inspire and you can adapt to your own style . I am also a mum with 3 boys which keeps my life very busy ... and never dull as anyone who knows me will attest to! All items posted on this blog are chosen because I have personally tried them and like them. I hope you find something here that you will love and will work for you. Archives
August 2017