I did this tutorial just for fun. I love colour and most of the time we're too scared to use it because we might stand out, or we just don't know how to wear it. At work most of the looks I do are pretty but conservative and every now and then I like to break out and use bold colors. I particularly like red and gold together, it goes with most skin types and eye colours. It works really beautifully with dark skin . I made this tutorial simple so that you could see that makeup doesn't have to be complicated even though it might look it. Just don't forget to blend....for me harsh lines make or break a look.... unless that's the look you're going for of course.. :-) Products used were... Laura Mercier Primer Laura Mercier Silk Creme " Bamboo Beige " Mac Prep & Prime Powder Shu Eumura eyeshadow M 851 & ME 175 Nars eyeshadow duo " Isolde " Kevyn Aucoin " Basic Brown " eye pencil Maybelline Volume Express mascara Nars blush " Orgasm " Keyvn Aucoin eyebrow pencil " Brunette " Chantecaille lip gloss " Charm "
Over they years I have used many of Dr. Perricone's products. My eldest son used to refer to him as the "Salmon man" as I have his book and in it he writes about foods that are anti-aging that we should all eat and his one big thing is salmon.... wild Alaskan salmon, not the farmed kind. There is a picture of him on the front of the book that my son thought resembled a salmon and his logic for this was that he had probably eaten alot of salmon and was starting to look like one. ... it did make me smile. No disrespect Dr. Perricone, just the observations of a 10 yr old boy. Anyway, I love his book and I love what he has to say in it about how to keep our bodies and skin in good shape as we get older. I have lived my life by most of what he has written about and it was good to see I was on the right path. I also believe his products do make a difference. So when I decided that I needed something lighter than a foundation and just abit more than a tinted moisturiser to wear everyday I started trying to find something. (I caught sight of my face in full sun one day and noticed that foundation was starting to look too heavy on my face - even though I only applied it thru the middle and out to the edges, it looked like it was caked in all my pores. I was horrified!). I knew a tinted moisturiser wasn't the answer as it wouldn't even out the pigmentation that just will not seem to fade . I needed something that would look light and natural with only a hint of coverage to even out my skin. It's funny how the universe then sends along what we need and afew days later I was reading a magazine and I came across this product. I immediately went out and found it and it's perfect. Problem solved.... Light enough to look natural , yet enough coverage to take the edge off the pigmentation. Once again he has come up with a great product - no more embarrassing moments in full sun.
His book by the way is called The Perricone Prescription if you feel like reading it. And Mecca Cosmetica stocks NV Perricone. Have a good week. :) I love a serum. It is the one product that I feel is essential to keeping the skin in good shape as we age. They are far more potent than moisturisers and penetrate deeper, and although usually expensive, a little goes a long way. The work of a good serum is usually to hydrate, improve collagen levels, brighten or fight free radicals . The molecules in a serum are smaller than the molecules in a moisturiser so they can penetrate the 3 layers of skin instead of just the first layer. So used in conjunction with a good moisturizer it ensures that you get added nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.
When choosing a serum you first need to decide what type of skin you have (normal , oily or dry ) and what it is you want to achieve by using it. To prevent ageing you would use something with antioxidants. To reverse ageing it would be one that had Vitamin A or hyaluronic acid to nourish the skin. I use serums under my moisturiser and a few of my favourites are ASAP Super C serum, Dermaquest C3 serum & Skinceuticals Serum 20 AOX. These ones stimulate collagen production, contain antioxidants to fight free radicals and help brighten the skin... 3 in 1 .The other favourites are the Dermaquest B5 serum & Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel which contain sodium hyaluronate for hydrating the skin. I feel between the Vitamin B & the Vitamin C I should have everything covered to give my skin maximum nutrients. Dermaquest have also just released a new B3 product called Niacinamide Youth Serum which is meant to improve uneven skin tone and fine lines. ( It's funny how anything with the words youth and skin in it makes you want to immediately give it a go ). I tried a sample of this but I think it was too rich for my skin as I have broken out in spots and the difference in my skin isn't noticeable enough to persist, so would stick with the B5 serum . As my skin tends to get oily, I think it is better applied to dry skin. So if you're looking to do abit more for your skin to keep it in great condition - why not try a serum or two .... your skin will definitely thank you for it. xx |
About...I have been a makeup artist for over 20 yrs and am passionate about beauty and helping women to look the best they possibly can. I believe that women are beautiful at any age , and being older myself, am constantly on the look out for products that will help the skin retain its glow and beauty. From a very young age I have paid attention to my skin and have always gone looking for new, innovative - or even tried and true products that make a difference. I take inspiration from my friends and women I meet in my work. These women are the reason I started this blog , so that I can pass on my knowledge and help women to keep looking, and feeling amazing . I love finding new looks that inspire and you can adapt to your own style . I am also a mum with 3 boys which keeps my life very busy ... and never dull as anyone who knows me will attest to! All items posted on this blog are chosen because I have personally tried them and like them. I hope you find something here that you will love and will work for you. Archives
August 2017